Scientology’s Ties to Project Stargate

Project Stargate was centered around SRI International research center and the CIA, NSA, DIA, DOD and multiple US military branches took advantage of the work done there. The work being done was related to “remote viewing” and psychic spying. I was aware that 2 of the 3 main researchers were Scientologists, but until delving into the Ingo Swann special collection was not aware to what extent that Scientology and Dianetics played in the secret spy program.

The Moonies, The CIA and the Shinzo Abe Assassination

Most people are aware of the domestic terror events of 1995 in Tokyo that were perpetrated by the Aum Shinrikyo cult. Not as many, however, are aware of that group’s ties to Japan’s internal intelligence and military or of how Aum was just one of many cults that arose in Japan especially from the 1980s on. The Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon is still dealing with a schism but the original church has definite ties to the Korean CIA (KCIA) which was created by the US CIA and has an important role in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan’s deep state.

FBI Fingerprints On Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination

For Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Covert Action Magazine, home to some of the best national security state reporting there is, has published a mammoth piece, “Did J. Edgar Hoover Order the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr?” Despite the supposed rule about headlines making bold claims, this lengthy piece actually brings the goods. It got me to thinking about some of the recent news related to Sirhan Sirhan, where a steady trickle of new JFK assassination documents continue to slowly leak to the public the last few years. As well as some of the strange events surrounding news related to Malcolm X’s assassination, a cover-up or conspiracy involving, among others, NYPD and the FBI.

Just as in the case of RFK, JFK and Malcolm X, the MLK case begins to project a shadow of a doubt at the least upon closer inspection. Once some of the details that weren’t available until the last decade come changes everything we thought we knew about the story.

In 2012, for instance, G. Robert Blakey, staff director to the House Senate Committee on Assassinations, said he had been lied to by the CIA. They never revealed the CIA background of George Joannides. Blakey told the Clarion-Ledger in Jacksonville, Mississippi, that “thoughtful people today, not just nuts, think that more people than James Earl Ray were involved [in King’s killing].”

In addition to that, in 1999, a mixed-race jury came to a unanimous verdict. Martin Luther King Jr. they ruled, was assassinated in a conspiracy involving the U.S. government. King’s widow, Coretta Scott King made it clear how she felt, saying “there is abundant evidence of a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.” The jury found that the mafia and various local, state, and federal government agencies were involvement. They also found involvement of organized crime, local, state and federal government “were deeply involved in the assassination…. Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.” If this sounds a little crazy you likely aren’t aware of, for instance, the FBI’s plans to pit the mafia against Communist Party USA (CPUSA).

That time the FBI tried to get the Mob to attack CPUSA— Robert Skvarla (@RobertSkvarla) January 16, 2022

Ray, the likely patsy, already had some shady government ties similar to Oswald’s connection to Bannister, Ferrie and company’s Services Unlimited front. Once he was sentenced, Ray fired his lawyer (who also had ties to the mob). Percy Foreman, he claimed, ahd pressured him into pleading guilty. Then there’s the conflict of interest, Foreman had 60% royalty rights on a book about Ray by William Bradford Hule, but who would have bought a book about James Earl Ray the exonerated patsy. Especially in comparison to James Early Ray “the man who shot MLK.”

Similar to the cases of JFK and RFK, there is forensic evidence that calls Ray’s involvement into question, from lack of fingerprints to not being able to match the bullet to the rifle that Ray allegedly left on the steps of the Canipe Amusement Company. A decoy Mustang in the area, Add to that the fact that the “star witness,” Charles Quitman Stephens, had been arrested 155 times related to alcohol abuse and was quite sauced when the shooting occurred.

John Larry Ray said at the time of the shooting his brother was waiting in his Mustang, not the decoy’s, for his handler, Raoul. Raoul, was allegedly Ray’s Cuban handler drug trafficking, not unlike many of the characters who come up again and again when looking at the Kennedy assassinations Cubans . Not just Ray’s family though, the King family also believed Ray was framed.

Similarly more and more evidence has come to light regarding FBI involvement in the assassinations of Malcolm X and Fred Hampton as well. Just months ago, Malcolm X’s daughter, Malikah Shabazz, was “found dead” in her home. I found the timing instantly suspect considering earlier that year there was a supposed letter from a police officer confessing to being part of a conspiracy to kill Malcolm X that the NYPD claimed was fake.

Yes, the same NYPD that was complicit in covering up Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes. And it was that same NYPD who instantly commented that there was nothing suspect about Shabazz being found dead days after the FBI finally admitted their involvement in the X assassination leading to two men who had been held for decades in prison being freed. A few weeks later, the medical examiner would echo what the police had speculated initially. That it was “a natural death of undetermined cause and there is no suspicion of foul play.”

Busta Rhymes and T.I. shared a screenshot from a fake news story about a supposed ex-CIA agent “Bill Oxley” confessing on his deathbed to the assassination of Bob Marley. No record of any Bill Oxley working for the CIA. He is listed as either 76 or 79 at time of death. No hospital records or even a photograph, the picture on the site being a simple stock photo.

Regardless of lack of a smoking gun revealing CIA fingerprint in Marley’s death, there is a good deal of information in John Potash’s The FBI War on Tupac Shakur: state repression of black leaders from the Civil Rights Era to the 1990s. That coupled with more information appearing bit by bit about multiple civil rights leaders being targeted by a conspiracy comprised of feds, local law enforcement and, often, organized crime elements such as the mafia, KKK or motorcycle gangs like the Hell’s Angels.

Ray definitely had to have some help in order to not only have money to live on but enough to afford fake identities, a new face care of plastic surgery and classes from bartending and dance to hypnosis. His motive was said to be pure racist hatred, but friends say that doesn’t square with the man they knew who was no stranger to interracial relationships between black and white himself. They also claimed the “evidence” proving he was a racist was planted by police. Add to that the fact that, like the patsy Oswald, Ray just wasn’t a very great shot as evidenced by their military records. Ray had even been recruited into Wild Bill Donovan’s Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA. Even the base he served at in Frankfurt was, oddly enough, housed in an I.G. Farben building that was somehow spared the Allied bombing.

Add to that lumbar punctures by Army doctors allowing for parenteral drug administration, his claims that he was strongly affected by an incident involving him shooting a Black soldier accused of beating up Jews and raping an officer’s family member. This turned out to be untrue.

Covert Action Magazine points out that mysterious gaps in Ray’s military record also make it seem like he could potentially be an MK-Ultra candidate. Both the Army and the CIA began experimenting with LSD and various other powerful drugs, hypnosis and other methods of “mind control” or behavior modification in the early 1950s.

In addition to that, FBI documents prove that Ray didn’t just take hypnosis classes, he saw a couple hypnotists himself in L.A. just after his Army stint had ended. One, Xavier von Koss, wonder of wonders was an Army intelligence officer who was a possible Operation Paperclip ringer. Yes, that’s right, if you weren’t aware, the CIA helped Nazis escape justice at Nuremberg and then recruited them in our space program, in intelligence and pretty much doing most of what they were already doing under Hitler, just for the USA rather than the NSDAP.

Ray was even ordered to Montreal to the Memorial Institute at McGill University to be hypnotized while in the service. This is where Dr. Ewen Cameron, responsible for depatterning and other cruel experiments Cameron engaged in caused lifetime damage in many.

There’s also Dr. Donald B. Peterson, head of psychiatry at the Army’s Far East Command during the Korean War. In case you weren’t aware, the connections between the Korean War, biowarfare and the MK-Ultra program are manifold as well. Dr. Louis Jolyon West, for instance, interviewed the pilots supposedly “brainwashed” in Korea. Peterson prescribed Ray with Librium after a failed attempt to escape from prison. Librium was listed as a compound of interested regarding deepening and strengthening the effects of narco-hypnosis (drug aided hypnosis was a major part of the early years of Project Artichoke and MK-Ultra).

When Ray escaped he was given the identity of a Canadian asset of U.S. Army intelligence, “Eric St. Vincent Galt.” Galt ran a warehouse for Union Carbide which, again, like I.G. Farben ties back to both the Nazis and the CIA. Raoul, who some speculate was actually J.C. Harden, Raoul Coelho or Raoul Esquivel, initially helped Ray flee the scene before jumping out of the car and leaving Ray to be captured.

Like Timothy McVeigh (until MK-Ultra Doc “Jolly” West cured him), he was convinced that Feds were “messing with his mind.” And his father believed him to have been drugged. So in addition to pre-CIA intelligence activities, we know Ray was working undercover for the FBI from 1949 to 1952. There was even an intelligence asset in the boarding house Ray was staying in at the time of MLK assassination.

There’s even a grassy knoll type situation. Two associates of King who were present when he was killed say the body lurched upward when he was shot, meaning the shot would have had to come from below, perhaps in the bushes rather than from above where Ray supposedly was stationed. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a man crouching in the bushes and running away after hearing a bang. One described the person as wearing a high-necked white sweater with a long gun in his hands. Another witness saw a fireman standing near the wall below the bushes yelling at the police that the shot came from the bushes, but the police ignored him.

The Kennedy coincidences don’t end there though. Jack Ruby’s Vegas Club’s phone number was found in a phone book of H.L. Hunt. Funny thing is, the number is listed as “Raul J” followed by the Dallas phone number of the club run by Jack Ruby, the man who shot Oswald. Ruby, by the way, also met with MK-Ultra doctors and believed that they were giving him “crazy pills” and strange injections before he would die of cancer. Another piece of paper had Raul’s name and a date for payment, a third had the phone number and extension for Atlanta’s FBI field office.

There’s also the fact that the Memphis Police Department just happened to have pulled off several security units which would expedite the flight of those responsible. Ed Redditt, a black detective with MPD was pulled off his post just an hour before the shooting and placed in “home confinement” after the FBI warned MPD of an assassination attempt directed against him (as it turns out, no such assassination attempt existed, but it did serve to get his eyes off the scene).

Another scare was called in another scare just before the shooting, again diverting police away from the area where King would die. Lloyd Jowers, owner of Jim’s Grill, where Ray said he met Raoul, would eventually make the claim that he was paid $100,000 by Frank Liberto via Liberto, Liberto and Latch Produce Company in Memphis to set up the hit. Liberto was a member of the Carlos Marcello crime family. Douglas Valentine in his book CIA as Organized Crime or Potash’s Drugs as Weapons Against Us give many examples of federal agencies, law enforcement and intelligence working arm in arm with organized crime on such dirty deeds as gun and drug running, assassinations and other illicit activities.

It’s well known that FBI stalked even the likes of John Lennon, but the vitriol and constant infiltration and subversion of the COINTELPRO strategy seemed especially personal with King. There was even a letter sent in 1964 alleging him to be a fraud, “a grim farce” and urging him to commit suicide. There is even verifiable COINTELPRO activity, a “memo” by G.C. Moore, chief of the “racial intelligence” division of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Program:

The fine Hotel Lorraine in Memphis is owned and patronized exclusively by Negroes but King didn’t go there after his hasty exit [from] the demonstration of March 28. Instead, King decided the plush Holiday Inn Motel, white-owned, operated and almost exclusively white patronized, was the place to “cool it.” There will be no boycott of white merchants for King, only for his followers

Add that to the many links tying the FBI and MPD and there seems to be at least enough evidence to cast more than a bit of doubt on the official narrative.

Sirhan Paroled? The Truth Of the RFK Assassination

With his recommendation for parole for the first time ever, Sirhan Sirhan is a step closer to freedom than ever before. Some say the 77-year-old “has served his time” and therefore deserves to be free. I disagree, as Sirhan was never guilty in the first place. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence however, which is why I compiled multiple citations, sources and expert opinions for each of the claims made. The bulk of this video is from sections of the chapter on the Kennedy assassinations from my forthcoming book, Deep State: penetrating the veils of the unelected shadow government.

Please excuse my slightly scratchy voice, also faltered and lost my place a few times. Have been short on sleep for months now thanks to the pain from the spinal injury but with so many sharing their opinions without mentioning so many of the pertinent details which make it clear that it was physically impossible for Sirhan to have shot RFK despite having a gun and firing it at the scene.

through the plastic screen Podcast debuts!

Will be doing a podcast, got some great guests lined up. Will probably post the first 30-45 minutes free on the various podcast sites (stitcher, spreaker, pandora, fm player, buzzsprout and others) and share the full episodes here at Patreon. First episode is a snippet from PI Ed Opperman’s interview with me about my recent book, it was a Patreon exclusive but he gave me permission to share a portion of the interview, for just $3/mo. You can get access to documents, interviews and more from Ed, highly recommend if you’re interested in true crime, corruption and parapolitics.

PI Ed Opperman is one of the first folks who was tracking down Epstein years before MSM caught on, years before he was a household name. He was also involved in uncovering the secret service underage sex scandal in Colombia using his skills as a forensic investigator. He’s appeared on multiple major news outlets and interviewed best selling authors, experts of all stripes and high caliber parapolitical researchers and authors so I’m always honored when I get a chance to do the show.
My latest appearance on the Opperman Report was in February, it ran on about a half dozen FM stations and a few more on the AM band, but the full episode is a Patreon exclusive online. Luckily, Ed gave me permission to share a snippet of that interview here where I talk about my book Pedogate Primer: the politics of pedophilia. Conversation runs from whether I know who Q really is to the DOD child porn scandal and Project Flicker to CIA’s mind control experiment MK-Ultra and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and more. If you enjoy the show, you can find my other two episodes of the Opperman Report on YouTube, at Stitcher and Spreaker or by going to and clicking on the interviews tab at the top. If you like what you hear, I recommend checking out his patreon for exclusive documents, court filings, exclusive Patreon only interviews and more and don’t forget you can find my book Pedogate Primer at Amazon for Kindle, Kindle Unlimited or in paperback as well as through Barnes and Noble and a couple of other sites.

Check out episode 1 below and expect new episodes to drop each Thursday.