Interview on Dr. Louis Jolyon West, MK-Ultra and Subtle Cultural Control

The term “mind control” or “brainwashing” conjures up scifi visions of mind controlled assassins, people in zombie states and other outlandish ideas. Much of the interest in MK-Ultra tends toward the use of psychedelics, especially LSD. The cultural control through use of the Mockingbird network of CIA assets in mainstream media, literary and art journals and elsewhere is often overlooked as part of MK-Ultra mind control.

Another issue we mention are Sirhan Sirhan, John Mark Chapman and John Hinkley as well as Dr. Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West and how he shows up everywhere from Jack Ruby to Patty Hearst to Jonestown to McVeigh and beyond. Some of what’s covered here is based on some recently received documents from the UCLA library special collections on Dr. West.

We also briefly mention my book Pedogate Primer: the politics of pedophilia which makes mention of West and Elizabeth Loftus related to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, who I interviewed. I mention some of the new materials I’ve gone through in the interview that are somewhat interesting in light of the Ghislaine Maxwell defense using the “false memories” defense via Dr. Elizabeth Loftus

Pedogate Primer is available in paperback from Amazon, Barnes & NobleTarget and Powell’s Books and a few other shops worldwide including Australia, Taiwan and Poland. The audiobook, narrated by myself, is also for sale at If you’d like a review copy of the audiobook, contact me through the contact form or email at and I’ll send you a promo code. I have a few other recent appearances I’ll be posting throughout the week as well as recording another interview next week. If you would like to hear more check out other podcasts and radio shows in the  interview section.


Sirhan Paroled? The Truth Of the RFK Assassination

With his recommendation for parole for the first time ever, Sirhan Sirhan is a step closer to freedom than ever before. Some say the 77-year-old “has served his time” and therefore deserves to be free. I disagree, as Sirhan was never guilty in the first place. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence however, which is why I compiled multiple citations, sources and expert opinions for each of the claims made. The bulk of this video is from sections of the chapter on the Kennedy assassinations from my forthcoming book, Deep State: penetrating the veils of the unelected shadow government.

Please excuse my slightly scratchy voice, also faltered and lost my place a few times. Have been short on sleep for months now thanks to the pain from the spinal injury but with so many sharing their opinions without mentioning so many of the pertinent details which make it clear that it was physically impossible for Sirhan to have shot RFK despite having a gun and firing it at the scene.